Tag Archives: soundjs

Using createjs WebAudio with Phonegap (Cordova)

One of the things I hate about Phonegap (Cordova) is the audio support. Every time I worked on a project that required heavy audio usage not a single plugin worked fine

Cordova Media plugin is good for recording audio but when you try to play multiple audio files it leaks into memory and the OS stops your app. It also tends to break after using the recording feature. I’ve also tried the Native Audio plugin and although it’s much better it has its issues with features not working.

The createjs team released a new soundjs plugin called CordovaAudioPlugin. It did work for some time but because it is using Cordova Media it had the same issues. With newer version of the Cordova Media plugin it just causes your app to crash (04.2016, soundjs version 0.6.2).

Honestly, with the WebAudio browser support, I don’t think we need plugins for playing audio. WebAudio does the job nicely for mobile and desktop.
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